Scott Turnmeyer is a professional landscape and wildlife photographer. We thought you might like a guest blog from him on how to shoot fireworks with your iphone. When done, don't forget to follow him.

Fireworks displays are spectacular events that many of us want to capture and share. While professional cameras can produce stunning results, you might be surprised by how well your iPhone can perform with the right techniques. Here’s a guide to help you take great firework photos using your iPhone.

1. Preparation is Key

Know the Schedule

Find out when and where the fireworks will be. Arrive early to secure a good spot with an unobstructed view.

Charge Your Battery

Make sure your iPhone is fully charged. Firework displays can last a while, and you don’t want to run out of battery mid-show.

Clean Your Lens

A clean lens is crucial for sharp photos. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe away any smudges.

2. Setting Up Your iPhone

Use a Tripod

Firework photography requires stability. Use a small tripod or a sturdy surface to keep your iPhone steady and avoid blurry photos.

Turn Off the Flash

The flash won’t help you capture fireworks and may even ruin your shot by illuminating nearby objects. Ensure the flash is off.

Use Live Photos

Turn on Live Photos to capture a brief video along with your shot. This feature can create dynamic images with slight movement, adding an extra layer of excitement.

3. Camera Settings

Adjust Focus and Exposure

Tap and hold on the screen to lock focus on the area where the fireworks will appear. Slide your finger up or down to adjust the exposure. Lowering the exposure slightly can help prevent overexposed shots.

Use Night Mode

If your iPhone has Night Mode, it can automatically detect low-light conditions and adjust the settings accordingly. Make sure it’s enabled for the best results.

Consider Using Long Exposure Apps

For more control over exposure times, consider using apps like Slow Shutter Cam or Camera+ 2. These apps can simulate longer exposure times, capturing more light and creating beautiful trails.

4. Timing is Everything

Anticipate the Bursts

Watch the fireworks for a few moments to get a sense of the timing. Press the shutter just before you expect the burst to maximize your chances of capturing it at its peak.

Use Burst Mode

Hold down the shutter button to take multiple shots in quick succession. This increases the likelihood of getting a great shot.

5. Composition Tips

Include Landmarks

Incorporate landmarks or buildings to add context and interest to your photos. This can make your images more engaging and provide a sense of scale.

Vary Your Shots

Take both wide shots to capture the entire scene and close-ups to focus on individual bursts. Experiment with different angles and perspectives.

6. Post-Processing

Edit Your Photos

Use the built-in editing tools on your iPhone or apps like Snapseed or Lightroom. Adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation to enhance your images.

Crop and Straighten

Cropping can help you focus on the most interesting parts of your photo, while straightening ensures your horizon lines are level.

Share Your Work

Share your edited photos on social media, and don’t forget to use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience.


With a little preparation and the right techniques, your iPhone can capture stunning firework photos that you’ll be proud to share. Remember to have fun and experiment with different settings and compositions.

I hope you enjoyed this guest blog and hopefully it'll help you get a great shot or two. Don't forget to visit my website below to see all of my work as well as upcoming photography classes and workshops. Follow me on social media and tag @scottturnmeyer in your firework photos. Happy shooting!

Scott Turnmeyer


Scott Turnmeyer
Tagged: guestblog tips